Last update: 21 Dec 2024


A mail API over the popular Symfony Mailer.


To get started, install the mail repository via the Composer package manager:

composer require zaphyr-org/mail


The mail service is a wrapper over the popular Symfony Mailer which makes sending emails a breeze.

Before we can use the mailer service, we need to pass a Symfony Mailer instance to it. How to configure the Symfony Mailer instance can be seen here.

$symfonyTransport = Symfony\Component\Mailer\Transport::fromDsn('smtp://');
$symfonyMailer = new Symfony\Component\Mailer\Mailer($symfonyTransport);

$mailer = new Zaphyr\Mail\Mailer($symfonyMailer);

Send emails with closure

After we have configured our mailer service, we can start sending emails. One way to send emails is to pass a closure to the send() method.

        Zaphyr\Mail\Mailer::VIEW_HTML => '/path/to/email/templates/welcome.html'
        'name' => 'John Doe'
    function(Zaphyr\Mail\EmailBuilder $message) {
            ->subject('Welcome John Doe');

The first argument (line 2-4) we pass to the method is an array in which we define the email template to use. In our example this is a html template.

As second argument (line 5-7) we pass the placeholder variables to be replaced in the html template. How template files have to be structured can be read here.

As a third argument (line 8-13) we pass a closure to the send() method, in which we define the message methods (e.g. sender, subject and receiver).

Both html and plain text email templates can be passed to the send() method as the first argument. If the client is not able to receive html emails, a plain text fallback can be sent with the email.

        Zaphyr\Mail\Mailer::VIEW_HTML => '/path/to/email/templates/welcome.html',
        Zaphyr\Mail\Mailer::VIEW_TEXT => '/path/to/email/templates/welcome.txt'
        'name' => 'John Doe'
    function(Zaphyr\Mail\EmailBuilder $message) {
            ->subject('Welcome John Doe');

Send emails with mailable object

Another way to send emails is to use mailable objects. Mailable objects are classes that extend the Zaphyr\Mail\AbstractMailable. The advantage of using mailable objects is that the email logic is encapsulated in a mailable object and can be reused at any time.

So the first thing we do is create our mailable object:

class WelcomeMail extends Zaphyr\Mail\AbstractMailable
     * @param string $email
     * @param string $name
    public function __construct(protected string $email, protected string $name)

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function build(): void
            ->subject('Welcome ' . $this->name)
                    Zaphyr\Mail\Mailer::VIEW_HTML => '/path/to/email/templates/welcome.html',
                    'name' => $this->name,

As you can see, all send logic of the email takes place within the build() method.

To send the email, we simply pass the mailable object to the send() method:

$mailer->send(new WelcomeMail('', 'John Doe'));


The mail service uses a lightweight, easy-to-use template engine by default. All the template engine can do is read template files and replace the placeholders in them. You can read more about the template engine here.

A simple html email template looks like this:

// welcome.html
<h1>Welcome %name%!</h1>
<p>Nice to have you aboard.</p>

A text email template thus looks like this:

// welcome.txt
Welcome %name%!

Nice to have you aboard.

Integrate third party template engines

If the provided template engine of this mail service is not sufficient, any template engine can be used for rendering the email templates. How a third-party template engine is integrated into the mail service is shown in the following example using twig:

class TwigView implements Zaphyr\Mail\Contracts\ViewInterface {
     * @param Twig\Environment $twig
    public function __construct(protected Twig\Environment $twig)

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function render(string $path, array $data = []): string
        try {
            return $this->twig->render($path, $data);
        } catch (Throwable $exception) {
            throw new Zaphyr\Mail\Exceptions\MailerException($exception->getMessage());

$symfonyTransport = Symfony\Component\Mailer\Transport::fromDsn('smtp://localhost');
$symfonyMailer = new Symfony\Component\Mailer\Mailer($symfonyTransport);

$twigFilesystemLoader = new Twig\Loader\FilesystemLoader('/path/to/email/templates');
$twigEnvironment = new Twig\Environment($twigFilesystemLoader);
$twigView = new TwigView($twigEnvironment);

$mailer = new Zaphyr\Mail\Mailer($symfonyMailer, $twigView);

After twig has been passed as template engine to the mail service the send() method will automatically render all email templates with twig:


        Zaphyr\Mail\Mailer::VIEW_HTML => 'welcome.html.twig',
        Zaphyr\Mail\Mailer::VIEW_TEXT => 'welcome.txt.twig',

Always methods

The mail service comes with a few always methods that can be used to set default values for the email. These methods are called before the closure or the build() method of the mailable object is called.

Always from

Sets the sender of the email for all emails sent with the mail service:


Always reply to

Sets the reply to address for all emails sent with the mail service:


Always return path

Sets the return path for all emails sent with the mail service:


Always to

Sets the receiver of the email for all emails sent with the mail service:


Overwrite always methods

The always methods can be overwritten within a closure or mailable object. For example, if you want to define a different sender for a particular email, you can overwrite this within the closure or mailable object:


    function(Zaphyr\Mail\EmailBuilder $message) {
          ->from('')   // overwrites alwaysFrom

In the above example, the email sender will be instead of